Our Happy Clients!​

What was your life/health like before working with Amy?
My life was food obsessed and as I’m a Mumma so I loved to feed. There was a lot of stress around eating the right food for me. I was constantly tired and bloated. My Candida was a big problem and was present throughout my body. My tummy was rumbling, unsettled and sometimes triggered by what I now know to be dairy. I felt uncomfortable in my own body. ​

What is you life/health like today?
Now I'm waking up before my alarm feeling rested. Ive lost weight (8.9kg/19lbs) and experience less problems with my back. My body has more energy and I feel more agile and my sinuses are clear. I have regular tests for Candida count, which once was big problem but has now completely gone. My resilience to Candida is higher. I feel emotionally stronger and more positive. My IBS and Colitis systems are non existent. I am in tune with my body’s likes and dislikes and understand what foods work for me.

What would you say to anyone thinking of working with Amy?
Oh yes, go for it!! BUT be committed. It really helped not to do it alone. The collective energy of the support from Amy and the group keeps you motivated. You must know your own ‘Why’ and drive with motivation but It's so absolutely worth it. Set your boundaries in your diet and it will filter through into the rest of your life.

Inalize Cilliers
Strengths Coach, SA
What was your life/health like before working with Amy?
"Miserable, physically and mentally. I was struggling with pain, discomfort, bloating, vomiting and chronic fatigue. I was up most nights a couple of times a night in pain or needing the toilet. I was constantly exhausted and struggling to get through the day, every day."

What is you life/health like today?
"So much better all round. Im loving sleeping now I don’t have discomfort and pain. I have more energy and I love having control back over my health. My health no longer holds me back from social situations. Losing weight wasn’t the focus but I have lost 21lb and due to the weight loss, there is less pressure on my joints!"
"The course was easy to follow with a clear structure and not over complicated.
The one to ones are very useful. Amy’s knowledge is great and as a nurse, I have heard it all when it comes to remedies but Amy has turned my health around. Amy is very personable with a person centered approach. I now feel empowered and in control of my health."

What would you say to anyone thinking of working with Amy?
"Do it! Ultimately you are going to benefit! I was resistant to try, but now I’ve been through the process, I can recommend with 100% confidence. If you are in a true digestive crisis then it IS going to help!"

Sarah McCarthy
Nurse, UK​
What was your life/health like before working with Amy?
"I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia 18 months ago, however I was experiencing symptoms for years beforehand and was only diagnosed after my symptoms worsened to the point I wasn’t able to work. ​ Since then the medication and supplementation given to me by the doctor I have been able to work, but before I started working with Amy earlier this year I was still extremely fatigued, I experienced brain fog - meaning I was unable to concentrate, think clearly, or at times make decisions - and my pain was severe. ​ Amy carried out some tests to enable her to see what was going on in more detail in order to treat me effectively, as opposed to just treating my symptoms. The treatment has initially involved an exclusion diet and increased supplementation, which after approximately 4 weeks significantly reduced the pain, removed the majority of brain fog and increased my energy levels. We are now in the process of reintroducing foods back into my diet and over time will work to also increase my absorption."

What is you life/health like today?
"There are no quick fixes for my condition, but I’m amazed at how much better I feel for introducing the changes suggested by Amy. This is a long term programme for me and will ultimately have to become a lifestyle for me in order to be well, but I can now for the first time in years be positive that I can get better!"

What would you say to anyone thinking of working with Amy?
"I would absolutely recommend!"

Sarah Allum
Supply Chain Manager, Jersey​ ​
What was your life/health like before working with Amy?
Severe bloating and pain which is affecting my daily life and I was becoming so disinterested in food as I didn't know what was aggravating me. My health was getting me down as nothing I tried seemed to make any difference. My symptoms completely governed what I wore, and if I went out for dinner I'd choose something plain in the hope it didn’t trigger, which gets a bit boring after a while.

What is you life/health like today?
Totally changed how I eat and now I make time to eat the right foods, I also no longer get hungry between meals. I know what I'm currently eating works for me as the bloating has gone down and the pain is reduced. I haven't eaten out yet as I'm still reintroducing, but my choices have opened up in terms of cooking for myself as I have a much clearer knowledge of what works for me.

What would you say to anyone thinking of working with Amy?
Do it, dont hesitate, do it! Be committed to following the course and you will get the results that you want.

Debbie Moles
Marketing, UK